Is your life insurance beneficiary arcuate? 

Your life insurance beneficiary is simply the person who gets the money if you pass away and the policy pays out. When you buy the policy, they’ll ask you to name a beneficiary and you can pick whoever you want at that point.  Now, if you did this a long time ago, you...

Estate planning after a second marriage

When people talk about the high divorce rate, one thing you must keep in mind is that many of these divorce cases simply come before a second marriage. Those involved may stay single for just a few years before marrying again. They did think that initial marriage was...

Why do you need an estate plan?

You’ve heard people say that everyone should have an estate plan — but you just don’t see the point. You don’t have a lot of money invested anywhere, nor is there a great deal of cash sitting around your account. You figure that your house will pass to your...

Avoid these common estate planning mistakes

During discussions with an attorney about estate planning, there is much talk about what you should do to create a solid plan. These discussions are extremely important as they inform you of the most effective ways to protect your estate and make your passing easier...